Can you believe it is suppose to snow tomorrow? Brian is working tomorrow and we are hopefully going to stay inside where it is warm.
We are getting our electrical problem fixed today at our house. If it is not one thing it is another, so much for leveling the house. After all is said and done we are probably going to have to rewire the whole house. The wiring is the original wiring from the 40’s, back when they took a wire wrapped it around a glass breaker, then strung it down to the next one. Brian found two live wires, hotwired together by a cutoff extension cord the other night. Needless to say, HUGE fire danger. We had to cut the power, and black tape those two wires together, well, in that process Brian lost his light in his bathroom. Oh well, the house is old and we knew that going into it. After we fix everything in that house that needs to be fixed, it will be like a brand new house! There are many things on my want-to-do list, those will come with time and money!
Anyway, I hope I get a chance to sew a little bit this weekend! I need to go buy some thread!
Also, I am hosting a free couponing class on April 11th. It will be at First Baptist Church in Marlow at 1:00 pm. This lady from Yukon will come down and teach us how to get the most out of our coupons and where to find the most valuable ones. I am so excited! Ya’ll are all invited!
Also, has everyone heard that they are turning the Pioneer Woman’s love story into a movie! I am so excited for that!! Also, did you know that she is coming to Duncan, yep, she is speaking at the DRHHF Ladies Luncheon! And she will be signing cookbooks! I love, love, love her cookbook, if you don’t have it, run out and get it!! NOW!